Dr. Darlene Ruscitti, Regional Superintendent of DuPage County Schools, has opened this series to all regions...

Dear Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Principals other Important Leaders,

The DuPage ROE, in concert with the Leading Ed Partnerships Team, is pleased to bring you the first of a four-phase series of activities that focus on Leading for Learning during and through the COVID 19 public health crisis. In Phase I we introduce a four-step strategic planning process for use with school-level Instructional Leadership Teams that is particularly appropriate in planning initial organizational responses to crisis events: Re-Orienting to the Crisis Period.

This process was introduced by Bellwether Education Partners and adapted with permission by Leading Ed Partnerships to align with the principles of Cycles of Inquiry for finding and solving instructional problems.

In Phase I available here: https://leadingedpartnerships.org/covid-19-school-resources/

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COVID-19 School Resources – Leading Ed PartnershipsThank you for your interest in our COVID-19 response materials. The following resources were developed, adapted, and collected to provide supports to our partner district and school leaders in applying an inquiry approach while navigating through and beyond the crisis period. While these tools and resources were developed for the LEAD Project, we are providingleadingedpartnerships.org

you will find:

  • a 40 minute recorded webinar detailing the strategic planning process featuring a segment explaining the impact of acute stress upon the brain’s ability to process information;

  • Tool-Kit with four planning templates; and a

  • remote learning data capture tool for teachers.

In the weeks to come, we have committed to developing a connected suite of “just-in-time” resources with turn-key facilitation guidance that you may use for group deliberation and decision-making to arrive at actions that will best reflect the immediate and known needs of your school community.

Phase 1 –Re-Orienting to the Crisis Period – This phase is focused on what can be done in the here and now to address the school community’s most pressing needs and to position the school for effective longer-range planning.

Phase 2 –New Learning Phase – This phase is focused on exploring new information and data to better understand the extent of learning loss that may have occurred during the remote learning period.

Phase 3 – Fall Re-Entry Plan – This phase is focused on developing an action plan with appropriate measures that includes the identification of the most “responsive,” ”practice-clear” strategy(ies) with the greatest likelihood of addressing the impact of learning loss during the disruption caused by the mandatory school closure period.

Phase 4 – Enacting Strategies – This phase is focused on plan implementation and diagnosing progress toward process and outcome goals to determine the scope and direction of plan modifications.

While there is no “COVID 19 Playbook;” or a single “best way” to respond, the available resources will help you consider how to engage teacher leaders and all other members of your school community in new and creative ways during this “focusing” event. Please know that the DuPage ROE, your LEAD Coach, and the Leading Ed Partnerships team, and are here to support your continued success during this time. Additional information will be forthcoming in "just in time"


Darlene Ruscitti